It’s all covered — a check list for an organized move from Incline Village storage company

Moving is stressful. Just thinking about moving is stressful and thinking about the process—sorting through closets, drawers and cabinets; getting boxes; putting something down and forgetting where it is; doing the laundry; cooking meals and getting the kids to and from school—can make anyone just a little crazy.
The secret for “less crazy” move is to spend some time getting organized before starting. Here is a checklist from Owens Brothers Transfer, the Reno and Incline Village storage and moving company, to help. Remember that the earlier the items on this list are taken care of, the more time you’ll have for your regular routine plus sorting and packing.
Things to do right away
In most cases, the following items can be done as soon as you know your new address. Most changes can be done online.
- Change your address with the post office, banks, insurance companies, credit cards, applicable government agencies, and don’t forget your voter registration
- Change service locations for utilities, cable, and WiFi
- Give local services a shut-off date for your old address and start local services at the new address
- Notify schools when children are leaving and enrolling at the new school
- Change your address for subscriptions and memberships
- Start your search for a family doctor and dentist in your new town and notify you current medical team you are moving. Don’t forget the veterinarian!
- Make sure you have enough prescription refills to hold through the move and settling in
- Hire a cleaning service to do the final move out cleaning, including defrosting the freezer and cleaning appliances that are staying behind
- Hire a moving and storage company
Stock up on moving supplies
You are going to need sturdy boxes, packing supplies, wrapping and miscellaneous items.
The Incline Village storage and movers at Owen’s Brothers Transfer are professionals for packing, crating, and unpacking. Take the stress out of figuring out how many boxes and how much tape, wrap and packing peanuts you’ll need by discussing the matter with your mover.
- Small moving boxes for books, tools, CDs and other small items
- Medium boxes for kitchen items, small appliances and toys
- Large and extra-large boxes for clothing, electronics, lightweight or bulky items, and bedding, towels and pillows
- You can also get specialty boxes for clothing (wardrobe boxes), dishes, electronics, mirrors and paintings
Packing materials
Packing materials includes sealing tape, paper for wrapping and cushioning fragile items, bubble wrap or other cushioning material to fill in empty spaces between items, and don’t forget the furniture padding.
Miscellaneous items
- Box cutters
- Permanent markers
- Inventory lists – one to keep with you and one to place in the appropriate box
A schedule for sorting, purging and packing
Starting about two months before the actual move, make a plan that includes:
- A schedule for room-by-room (and garage) sorting, purging and packing
- Supplies you need for sorting, purging and packing
- A list of items (by room) that can be packed right away
- A list of items the family will be using until the move
- A schedule for packing everything else
- A plan for consolidating closets, cabinets and dresser drawers
- A list of items you are taking on the move, such as toiletries, medication, clothing items, pet food, and toys
Start a room-by-room sorting and purging process. It helps to have some boxes and trash bags for things that are being given away, tossed, or donated.
- Set aside a certain number of hours to work each day, or every few days. Don’t try to power through and become overwhelmed.
- Consider renting a dumpster for items that are being thrown away. Toss bags and boxes as soon as they are full to reduce clutter.
- Ask family or friends to help you purge and to remove anything you gift them right away.
- Make regular scheduled trips to donation. Putting full donation boxes in the car right away reduces clutter.
- Set aside items you will be using up until moving day.
- Pack easy to handle items right away and make a note of special packing supplies needed for other items.
Packing is an ongoing process pretty much up until the last day. There are things you need to use until then and things you will be taking with you.
Two secrets to reducing stress during packing are lhandle an item as infrequently as possible—once is ideal and know when an item is going to be packed
Items such as computers and TVs are going to be used by the family as long as possible.
- Use different colored stickers to identify when items are to be packed. For example, items with a red sticker are to be packed last.
- When possible, leave items in place until they are packed, especially fragile items, or set aside specific days for packing dishes, glass and other fragile items.
- Schedule specific days for sorting through cabinets and closets and the garage
- Identify specific cabinets in the kitchen for storing plates and cooking utensils that need to be used until the move.
- Consider switching to paper plates or bargain store plates and utensils at some point.
Appliances and other special handling
If you are taking appliances with you such as refrigerators, freezer or laundry equipment, make sure they are empty and dry. Clean them out about a week ahead of the move, disconnect them, and dry out the washer and refrigerator and freezer.
Keep life as normal as possible
Even though you are moving, you are still living in your old neighborhood and participating in your usual activities. Allow enough time for sorting and packing helps the family stay on a normal routine as long as possible. Moving is exciting because of the new adventures, and sad because of who is being left behind. Leave yourself enough time to savor the days so they don’t speed by in a blur of packing frenzy.
Keep in touch with your Incline Village storage and moving company and ask the professionals for their advice.